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:: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 ::

This last weekend I saw "Runaway Jury" in the theater, and give it a 7 of 10. It is a standard Grisham thriller, and I kept thinking of Gene Hackman as the head of "The Firm". Overall it is a fine movie, nothing really special, and not one I will someday buy on DVD. The main attraction, and why I wanted to see it in the first place is the actors, specifically John Cusack as the tampering juryman Nicholas Easter. For some reason I don't really think of Rachel Weisz as that pretty an ingenue or that great an actress, but she did impress me in her "Jury" scenes. Much has been made of the Gene Hackman vs. Dustin Hoffman pairing, but they both seemed to be chewing the scenery in a somewhat usual effect.
:: Michael Nyiri 5:34 AM Leave a Comment on this Post ::
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